10/28 - 30はDevourmentのツアーのお手伝いで臨時休業となります。
▼New Stock
Alghazanth - The Three-Faced Pilgrim / CD
Arckanum - Den forstfodde / CD
Belus - Apophenia / CD
Corpus Christii - Delusion / CD
Ebola - II / CD
Fin - Arrows of a Dying Age / CD
Holy Blood - Странник / CD
Narbeleth - Indomitvs / DigiCD
Solbrud - Vemod / SleeveCD
Ultha - Converging Sins / DigiCD
Woe - Hope Attrition / CD
Yith - Dread / SleeveDigiCD
Alghazanth - Wreath of Thevetat / CD
Alghazanth - Vinum Intus / DigiCD